Food Preservation Course

We have a Food Preservation course taking place in the allotments on Wednesday 3rd July for 8 weeks from 7pm to 9pm with the amazing Annika Schulz! Everyone is welcome to attend! Booking is essential as places are limited. If you are interested in taking part please contact Annette on 087 2135007.

Herbalist Course


We have a Herbalist Course taking place in the allotments on Thursday 1st August for 4 weeks from 7pm - 9pm with the fabulous Silya Harms. Everyone is welcome to attend. Booking is essential as place's are limited. If you are interested in taking part please contact Annette on 087 2135007. There is already a […]

Willow Weaving Course


We have a free Willow Weaving Course starting in the allotments for 6 weeks on Tuesday 6th August from 7pm - 9pm with the very talented Sindy Offer! This course is suitable for beginners, no experience is needed! Spaces are limited. If you are interested in taking part in this amazing course please contact Annette […]

Annual Scarecrow Competition


Our annual scarecrow competition takes place in the allotments from the 9th August until the 31st August!

Herbalist Course


We have a Herbalist Course taking place in the allotments on Saturday 17th August for 4 weeks from 10amĀ  - 12pm with the fabulous Silya Harms! Everyone is welcome to attend! Booking is essential as places are limited. If you are interested in taking part please contact Annette on 087 2135007.  

Herbalist Course


We have a Herbalist Course taking place in the allotments on Thursday 29th August August for 4 weeks from 7pm - 9pm with the fabulous Silya Harms! Everyone is welcome to attend! Booking is essential as places are limited. If you are interested in taking part please contact Annette on 087 2135007.  

Plot to Pot healthy cooking made easy

Bunclody Further Education and Training Centre , Ireland

Our final course Plot to Pot healthy cooking made easy, with the fabulous Carmen Sanchez takes place on Wednesday 4th September for 5 weeks from 7pm to 9pm in the Bunclody Further Education and Training Centre. The course and transport are free. A bus will be leaving from Enniscorthy Community Allotments car park @ 18:30 […]

Culture Night


We are hosting a Culture Night on Friday 20th September from 6pm to 8pm in association with Creative Places Enniscorthy. Come along for what promises to be a great night for all the family to enjoy! There will be some traditional music and dancing, line dancing, some international entertainment and story telling. You will also […]

Rotavator Training


We have rotavator training taking place in the allotments on Monday 7th October from 10am to 2.30pm. If you are interested in taking part please contact Annette on 087 2135007. Spaces are limited so don't delay in booking your place.

Mindfulness Course


We have a mindfulness course starting on Monday 14th October from 10am to 12pm for 6 weeks with the fabulous Hilary Connor. This is a free course with limited spaces available. If you are interested in taking part please contact Annette on 087 2135007 to book your place.

Trick or Treat in the allotments


On Saturday 26th October @ 4pm we have our Halloween party in the allotments. It will be a fun filled evening of Pumpkin carving/painting, magic potions and much more. A great evening for all the families in our allotment community to come together and enjoy. It promises to be another great evening where loads of […]

Expressions of Interest


All members are to confirm expression of interest in keeping their Plot / Polytunnel space / Raised Bed for the coming year by Tuesday 14th January.