Enniscorthy Community Allotments
We at Enniscorthy Community Allotments are committed to inclusion and to building a community that is socially, culturally, politically and economically cohesive; where all people feel valued and their differences respected, and where everyone has the opportunity to participate fully in the life of the group.
Enniscorthy Community Allotments group are made up of locals from the community who wish to grow fresh produce, propagate horticulture and create friendly environment for local community to meet. We wish to enhance the lives of all involved socially, mentally and physically. We hope that our project will stimulate social interaction, encourage self-reliance and promote sustainable growing and healthy eating. We hope to produce nutritious food and help reduce family food budgets. We wish to promote organic and chemical free growing.
RTE Nationwide Feature

Community Partners
Community has always been at the forefront of this project. We have held several training workshops for our members in association with GIY Ireland, Wilton Garden Centre, ReImagining Enniscorthy and allotment members.
We provide employment opportunities via the TÚS programme and the Community Employment scheme with 3 staff each working 20 hours a week.
To date, we have developed supply relationships with local industries such as Bolger’s Topline Hardware, Tommy Williamson Farm & Landscaping Supplies, Kinbark Nurseries, EcoKind, Wilton Garden Centre, Beechdale Garden Centre and Quickcrop.